Travertine Honey

The honey travertine stone that is extracted from the beige and cream travertine mines has a color like honey. This type of color has made this stone to be called honey travertine. The mines of this type of travertine stone are mostly in Mahalat city, Yazd province, Takab city, Natanz city, Targh Rood Village. It is located in the river - Ramsheh village and Khoi city. Honey travertine is usually known in the market by the name of its mine, for example Takab honey travertine, Yazd honey travertine, Kashan honey travertine, Ramsheh honey travertine, Khoi honey travertine, Abar Kouh honey travertine, Hajiabad-Dahshir honey travertine Honey travertine quality stones include Haji Abad travertine mine and Takab mine. Honey travertine stones are mostly used with polished, honed or leather processing. This type of stone is mostly used in the stone cap of the exterior and interior of the building (modern-classical-Roman facade) and stone table, etc.

Yazd honey travertine
Yazd honey travertine
Takab honey travertine
Takab honey travertine
honey travertine
honey travertine